Integrative combination of ancient Vedic medicine, Acupuncture and modern functional medicine. 1-5 day treatments in a residential setting. All meals provided.
4-5hrs of bodywork a day + pulse intake & hot/cold therapy
Lymph Massage
Full body release starts with draining the lymph. By moving the "river of life" in Ayurvedic medicine we aim to heal the deep stagnation of emotions and toxins held in the body.
Treatments are 90-120 mins depending on your constitution.
Cranial Sacral
A form of energetic osteopathic medicine, Cranial Sacral aims to balance the energy body by working with the alignment of the bones and viscera.
Ancient taoist practice of rebalancing the body through changes in the meridian system. Moves energetic stagnation, thus opening the physical tissues to deeper harmony.
Structural Integration
This myofacial release therapy is amazing at changing the way the muscles sit on the body and helping correct postural misalignment.
Sometimes you just need to be popped back into alignment. For those wishing to end a 3 day session with chiropractic we have a on call practitioner available.
Herbalism & Nutrition
Let's get healthy! PK is all about balance and part of what you will learn is your dosha and what to eat to keep it in balance. During your stay you will get to experience this new diet first hand with customized meals.